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A 23 Year Model & Actress from Hamburg Germany

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[/tatsu_text][special_sub_title title_content= “Work hard, Play Hard & Live life to the fullest” font_size= “22” title_color= “#e0a240” title_alignment= “left” max_width= “100” margin_bottom= “30” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/special_sub_title][tatsu_empty_space height= “1”][/tatsu_empty_space][tatsu_text max_width= “” animation_type= “fadeIn”]Atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident imilique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias.[/tatsu_text][/tatsu_column][tatsu_column layout= “1/2”][tatsu_empty_space height= “1”][/tatsu_empty_space][/tatsu_column][/tatsu_row][/tatsu_section][tatsu_section bg_color= “” bg_image= “http://localhost/presahouse/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/imageedit_52_3790052890.jpg” bg_repeat= “no-repeat” bg_attachment= “fixed” bg_position= “top left” bg_stretch= “1” bg_animation= “tatsu-parallax” border_color= “” bg_video_mp4_src= “” bg_video_ogg_src= “” bg_video_webm_src= “” overlay_color= “” section_id= “” section_class= “” section_title= “” full_screen= “1” full_screen_header_scheme= “background–dark” padding= “90px 0% 90px 0%” bg_size= “cover” border= “0px 0px px 0px”][tatsu_row no_margin_bottom= “1” equal_height_columns= “1” full_width= “0” gutter= “no” layout= “1/2+1/2”][tatsu_column layout= “1/2”][tatsu_empty_space height= “1”][/tatsu_empty_space][/tatsu_column][tatsu_column bg_color= “” bg_repeat= “repeat” bg_attachment= “scroll” bg_position= “top left” bg_video_mp4_src= “” bg_video_ogg_src= “” bg_video_webm_src= “” bg_overlay= “1” overlay_color= “rgba(255,255,255,0.5)” animation_type= “flipInX” padding= “10% 10% 10% 10%” margin= “0px 0px 0px” layout= “1/2” vertical_align= “middle”][tatsu_text max_width= “” animation_type= “fadeIn”]


[/tatsu_text][special_sub_title title_content= “Don’t take my word, here’s what others say” font_size= “22” title_color= “#e0a240” title_alignment= “left” max_width= “100” margin_bottom= “30” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/special_sub_title][testimonials testimonial_font_size= “20” author_role_font= “body” alignment= “left” slide_animation_type= “slide” slide_show= “1” slide_show_speed= “4000” animation_type= “fadeIn”][testimonial quote_color= “#000000” author= “MARK” author_color= “” author_role= “Director” author_role_color= “”]A vibrant personality oozing passion in the sets, she is an amazing artist to work with, just what the directors ordered![/testimonial][testimonial quote_color= “#000000” author= “JACOB” author_color= “” author_role= “Photographer” author_role_color= “”]She has the looks and the attitude and she has a great work ethic, always on time and full of energy.[/testimonial][/testimonials][/tatsu_column][/tatsu_row][/tatsu_section][tatsu_section bg_color= “” bg_image= “http://localhost/presahouse/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/imageedit_41_3514253165.jpg” bg_repeat= “no-repeat” bg_attachment= “fixed” bg_position= “center center” bg_stretch= “1” bg_animation= “tatsu-parallax” border_color= “” bg_video_mp4_src= “” bg_video_ogg_src= “” bg_video_webm_src= “” overlay_color= “” section_id= “” section_class= “” section_title= “” full_screen= “1” full_screen_header_scheme= “background–dark” padding= “90px 0% 90px 0%” bg_size= “cover” border= “0px 0px px 0px”][tatsu_row layout= “1/1”][tatsu_column layout= “1/1”][tatsu_text max_width= “” animation_type= “fadeIn”]


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[/tatsu_text][special_sub_title title_content= “Like my work ? Hire me or simply connect with me” font_size= “22” title_color= “#e0a240” title_alignment= “left” max_width= “100” margin_bottom= “30” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/special_sub_title][tatsu_text max_width= “” animation_type= “fadeIn”]
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